Book Your Forest Cubs Session

Badger Cubs is a parent toddler forest school and outdoor learning session. It is designed for children up to 5 years old and their families. Come and join us for some fun in the woods, what better way to start the week! These sessions are very child led and focus on free-play, exploring nature, meeting new friends and learning to play together through a variety of games and activities. Each week there will be a cosy campfire with some campfire treats and hot drinks, singing and stories around the campfire, outdoor play and seasonal crafts, mud kitchen, sensory play and Makaton signing.


When: Mondays 10-11:30am

The cost is £8 per session for one adult and child. Additional children can be added at a cost of £3 per session. There is no charge for additional infants (under 12 months).

You will need to fill in one of these forms for every child. Please note that your booking will not be confirmed until you hear back from us and payments are made.